Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Office Halloween: Trick or Treat?

!9# Office Halloween: Trick or Treat?

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If you are in the path of a hurricane, your fears are justified and realistic.

Our fears can also irrational. We recognize this when we see it in others - the child to bite all the dogs or the adults, the fear of an elevator ride in the mind. If we have a fear as we know intellectually that it's irrational, but we do not feel that way about them emotionally.

I am reminded of Halloween comes around. My field is Emotional Intelligence (EQ), including EQ to work.I have always written before preparing to leave in the month of December on the emotional problems of managers and CEOs. They focus on religion, which we feel to be strong in one way or another, and how to make everyone happy is an ongoing challenge with our growing diversity.

These feelings are strong, but may not use the fear generated that compare with Halloween.

I am not a Texan, and I will never forget my first Halloween here. The city I live in the 60% Hispanic, andis what they are doing, where they dress as a bride and groom skeletons. I thought it was appalling! There are a lot of scary around Halloween that it will work.

Halloween resolves two things that we do in an office, such as - (1) E '"childish", and (2) AND' frightening. And everyone has their own level, the "chilling tolerance."

We can put a Christmas tree in an office and have less flicker, but try a skull.

Now I am in relation to the HurricaneWilma, revolve around the Yucatan, as I write, and in Florida at a rate of about 5 mph.

For years I refused to take a cruise because someone invited me always in September, "hurricane season". But technically hurricane season is half of the year, you learn.

Then, in September 2003, I was asked to speak on a cruise, and off we went ... eye of Hurricane Isabel. .

We do not know when we embarked, we have come to know as soon asVoices and almost panic to spread through the ship. As a quasi-personal, I heard the crew of the site. They were not safety as well as extra work involved. They had to batten down the hatches, people notice a quiet and field visits, as it diverted the ship.

Now, is to consider a multi-million dollar boat, believe me, you're safe. You can not actually safer than on a cruise ship. Well, I mean you're safe in Boise, Idaho, but what about where the hurricane might actually title.The ship can overtake easily, easily the hurricane. If you sit down in Key West and Cozumel, it is not. You can not move.

In fact, my friend tells me that when he was in the Navy in Vietnam, they would duck and a hurricane to wash the ship. Five miles an hour, as you know, is very slow.

What happened, instead we went to Belize, Grand Cayman, and encountered some rough waters and it was windy, but no one was allowed outside, and basically just made a great storyto tell. My fear of the cruise during hurricane season, is irrational, and when confronted with the reality that clear. So if I "cruise and Hurricanes" listen to my emotional reaction is not to be feared. If I were in Key West now, I fear, and my heart is with the potential in their own way.

There is no feeling that is not accompanied by a thought, you see. When I hear "hurricane, and cruise", my thoughts do not scare me. And if one of two dolls dressed as a skeleton brideand the groom is not to hurt you, it's the thought you are using.

Well, as you go on a cruise if there is a beer hurricane? I am sure that my words have a logical explanation, and no effect on you. The numbers and words, you see, make little difference against fears.

So, back to Halloween, which soon became the second most celebrated holiday in the U.S., you get your policy measures. Maybe you carefree and lead a team something like a grocery store,where you can also encourage employees to dress in costume. Even in this case it may be necessary to go beyond the rules of "morality" (not "domineering" costumes!), Moderate exposure and safety.

How does "evil" and define "satanic" I'm not sure, and you can deal with it on an individual basis, to correct, as a show for the day. Basic guidelines are:

1 decent coverage

2 Nothing demonic, or what someone else might consider "bad"

3 Wear something safe -no masks, vision, or clothing that may restrict or narrow to take in machinery or cause you or someone else to stumble

4 Get some examples from an online site, what do you think is appropriate, and make a list of costumes, "off". Then ask them, "okay" with their costume ideas ahead of time.

5 Decorations? Individual cubbies are one thing, and can provide a certain degree, but still must remain in good taste. The public areas are a different matter. If you're smart, youI am a person of trust to "decorate" do it yourself, hire someone or not.

6 If a person complains of what another person (or above) is set, deal with it, how you feel with other complaints. With your EQ! (See my EQ Foundation Course)

If you work in a conservative environment, and the only ones I can think of these days would be luxury boutiques, art galleries, some law firms, investment firms and perhaps middle (because my bank and myMedical Practice, now wear jeans on Saturday, and Halloween costumes), is likely to centralize and embroidery decorating theme with a decline.

How to resolve the fears unfounded others usually because of an unrealistic fear is based on faith, and is convinced that he needs. If a person is afraid to go to the party office holiday (or a sales presentation), I am what I think? And what gave them this idea?

A general program for Emotional IntelligenceThe Office can cover a wide range of problem areas. Emotional intelligence is the interface between intellect and emotion, and help people to change their offices and emotional lifestyles.

It would serve you and your group and the health of the community to rethink how you feel about things, explore, what is "realistic" and such fears are unfounded? Things such as stress, diversity, cooperation, teamwork, leadership and integrity? Think about it. No, wait to hear it. And letTheir leader.

I hope you get more of these tricks!

Office Halloween: Trick or Treat?

Saving Schwinn Jogging

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